Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jephthah Who?

I love the Bible! It'a full of people who lived some strange messed up lives! God always proves that He receives Glory from people that trust Him! Sunday in the Youth Sunday School Class, we talked about Jephthah. You'll find his story in Judges 11. Jephthah lived a rough life, it was rough for him before he was old enough to know it... it's quite a story.
He was the product of his dad's relationship with a prostitute. He lived with his dad's family until they sent him away. When he began to make a name for himself, they called him back to get them out of a fix when an old enemy raises its head to try to take back some land that had been in Israel's possession for 300+ years... Believe it or not, he goes and does what they ask! The story goes on to say that not only did he do what they asked, "the spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah" and he was able to retain the land and dispose of the enemy. In the heat of the battle, Jephthah made a vow to God...you know, one of those "if you get me out of this, I'll..." vows. It was that he would sacrifice the first thing that came through his door to greet him when he returned home after the battle to the Lord for keeping him safe. I know crazy.
I remember making some sort of "if you'll get me out of this" vow when I was 7 or 8 on top of a county fair roller coaster that was held up by cinder blocks...but really, I have kept that vow. I have never been on another county fair roller coaster...and I don't ever plan to!:)
Jephthah's vow ended up being a little more harsh...his only child was the one that ran through the door to greet him...there are differences of opinion as to whether the daughter actually lost her physical life or lost her life to live as a celebate in the church...
today, I'm thinking how many times have I said things I didn't want to follow through with, or said things that would hurt someone very close to me...?

Psalms 19:14 says "May the words of my mouth and the meditaiton of my heart be pleasing in Your sight, O Lord, My Rock, and My Redeemer."

O Lord, we live in a world that people get away with saying almost anything. It seems to be acceptable that a simple "I'm sorry" is supposed to be enough to get you out of almost anything...but Lord, I know that words can hurt, but they can also help and heal. Let me be careful what I speak, knowing that the power of life and death is in my mouth. Let me speak words that encourage and strengthen rather than drag someone down. Let my words speak of Your Faithfulness and Peace. Let me most of all THINK BEFORE I SPEAK. and may the words of my mouth and the thoughts in my heart please You!

I said God is Faithful!

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